Executive Function - Brain Basics - Facilitated Online Course
ASCD Best-Seller
Course Schedule
The course consists of 5 modules each with 2 lessons per module.
Week Lesson topics
Week 1 1. What does quality RTI/MTSS look like, whether remote or in-person?
2. What are some quick and easy ways to collect data?
Week 2 3. How do you replace frustration with feelings of accomplishment at team meetings?
4. What is Appreciative Inquiry and how is it a game-changer?
Week 3 5. What are the best ways to build partnerships with parents and students?
6. How does focusing on teacher and student strengths increase effectiveness when problem-solving?
Week 4 7. What is the 5 Whys Process?
8. How does the 5 Whys Process make Tier 2 and Tier 3 problems manageable?
Week 5 9. How do we get buy-in from parents and students for student support meetings?
10. How can problem-solving meetings result in action plans 100% of the time?
The entire course takes approximately 15 hours to complete.
The course is facilitated once a week by problem-solving experts Margaret Searle and Marilyn Swartz via a live Zoom session. The Zoom session is the last day of each module and is recorded.
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