Social-Emotional Skills: The Gateway to Solving Academic & Behavior Problems
Margaret Searle and Marilyn Swartz invite you to participate in an online course for insights and strategies that help students who struggle with poor motivation, weak planning and organization skills, memory problems, and impulsive behaviors.
If your teachers want research-based strategies for embedding social-emotional learning into academic lessons, this is the seminar for you. We will provide practical instructional practices that will help with attention span, memory, impulse control, problem solving, organization and self-monitoring skills and link them to the new social-emotional standards. Research shows that improving these skills will increase academic performance as well as attendance and behavior.
This online course will help you ...
* See what neurologists have discovered about executive function and its effects on learning and behavior
* Learn to support students who lack focus in the classroom
* Figure out where memory systems often break down and what instructional practices can help
* Discover why we often misread the problem of missing and incomplete assignments
* Teach students how to plan and self-monitor -- their improvement in achievement can be stunning
* Include students in intervention planning so they share responsibility for their success
* Improve parent involvement in intervention meetings - how to keep it safe, inviting and productive
Who should attend?
Administrators, supervisors, counselors, psychologists, special and general education teachers.
Most schools find it helpful to send teams made up of administrators, special ed. and general ed. teachers.

* What is executive functioning and how does it affect social-emotional growth?
* Learn to diagnose the root causes
* Identify interventions for case studies involving lack of focus, impulse control and poor self-monitoring
* Learn ways to collect and analyze data to measure growth
* Parent and student involvement
* Analyze and address behaviors like poor planning, organization and memory
* Use case studies to practice identifying root causes and identify practical classroom interventions

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