Our consultants provide practical hands-on training for administrators, supervisors, psychologists, counselors, interventionists, teachers and paraprofessionals from pre-school to the university level. Whether it is our one- or four-day workshop, we help you turn research into daily applications.
On-Site Consulting
One-shot trainings rarely result in true change. The key is follow-up. Our consultants can provide on-site observations, parent trainings and/or make recommendations on ways your leadership staff can maintain and develop skills and initiatives for improved instruction.
Train the Trainers
Building capacity to enable your own staff to deliver and/or maintain new strategies and programs is critical to successful professional development. We will provide the background knowledge, model the strategies and provide checklists and rubrics that will help you initiate and sustain new skills.
We can start your school year or conference off with a presentation that is both motivational and practical.

Customized Training
If you have specific goals you want to target, one or more of our consultants can assist you in planning and implementing the professional development necessary to accomplish the changes you need.
We can sell and link you to resources that will help you with the implementation of your plans.
Call our office at 419-874-9505 for details on scheduling any of the resources above.

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